Normal Vitamin D

Normal Vitamin D Levels:

How Can I Know Which Values are Best?

To answer the question, "What are normal vitamin D levels?" will require some qualification.

Normal Vitamin D Levels: The Quick Answer

Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy

Using the Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy Test

  • 16 - 30 ng/ml is low
  • 40-60 ng/ml or 125-189 nm/L is the normal range
  • Greater than 60 is optimal
  • Levels over 150 are considered dangerous
  • Note: These normal levels of vitamin D level are based on the current research. These values may not be the printed values on the lab results. These numbers reflect the current best practices standards based on the latest studies.

    The Best Test for Normal Levels of Vitamin D

    What is the best test to find your vitamin D level? The vitamin D 25 Hydroxy Test.

    This is assuming that you probably want to know if you are low for general health reasons. One study found that young people in Hawaii were low, even with considerable sun exposure. Remember, there are a number of factors in our ability to metabolize vitamin D including skin pigmentation and genetic makeup.

    Vitamin D levels affect a number of aspects of our health. Age factors and body mass index, race, skin color, geo-local factors, all influence the vitamin D levels.

    If a doctor orders the serum dihydroxy vitamin D, you could end up being told that you have normal values when in reality you are severely deficient. You may think that the doctors know best. In my experience, unless a doctor is an expert in a particular discipline, they may not know the best practices.

    Numerous times I have spoken up when doctors were making decisions based on labs that were inappropriate. For instance, in the bloodless medicine field, doctors will often use the serum iron levels. Although the serum iron can be high, the TIBC can be normal or low. The TIBC is best for determining the ability to produce new blood cells in patients with blood counts between 4 and 8 gm/dl.

    1,25 Dihydroxy level or 1,25(OH)(2)D

    There is another blood test for normal vitamin D levels, called Vitamin D 1,25 Dihydroxy level or 1,25(OH)(2)D.

    The Vitamin D, 1,25 Dihydroxy level does not have a major change until normal Vitamin D levels, or 25(OH)D, drops to levels that are considered a VERY severe Vitamin D deficiency.

    1,25 dihydroxy-vitamin D or 1.25 Dihydroxy level or 1,25(OH)(2)D has the normal values are usually listed as 20-76 pg/ml.

    Normal Vitamin D Lab Values for 1,25 (OH)2 Vitamin D

  • Normal range (plasma or serum):
  • Adults in good health (age 20-50) : 17 - 53 pg/ml
  • Children up to 12: ca. 40% higher values
  • Pregnant women (8-42 week): ca. 60% higher values
  • Persons older than 70: ca. 40% lower values
  • The normal range is independent of the season.
  • Most considered the most potent form of vitamin D. It stimulates calcium absorption our the small intestine and bones (along with PTH) and increases reabsorption of calcium by the kidneys.

    The level of serum 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D is not typically used to know vitamin D status. It has a short half-life of only 15 hours. It is regulated by parathyroid hormone, calcium, and phosphate. So a decrease will not be noted until vitamin D deficiency is already well advanced.

    The Most Important Vitamin D Factoid

    With so many diseases and conditions that have a relationship with low vitamin D levels, it may seem like the cure all. It should be noted that with these same diseases and additional ones are also associated with Low CG Syndrome. These same diseases and conditions are also improved by improving glutathione levels.

    Vitamin D is one of the co-factors of glutathione production. This is why the type of vitamin D level that is ordered is important.

    If your doctor does not understand the differences in the tests, the results may not tell the most important value that you need to know. This will help explain.

    The Sun and Vitamin D

    More on the Befits of Vitamin D

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    Need To Know

    The Way to Make More GSH For Free

    Glutathione has a high affinity for water. Simply put, if we are dehydrated our bodies may not make as much as they could. Or, what we do make may be less effective.

    Usually there is something more than just being dehydrated. Often there is a condition called fluid and electrolyte imbalance, less than bodies needs. There is a simple, easy and inexpensive way to correct this, allowing your body to produce even more GSH.

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    Normal Vitamin D
